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Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd. (NAM) has announced the temporary suspension of subscription for creation of NEXT FUNDS ETFs listed below, with the effective date as of October 16, 2015.

1357 NEXT FUNDS Nikkei 225 Double Inverse Index Exchange Traded Fund
1570 NEXT FUNDS Nikkei 225 Leveraged Index Exchange Traded Fund
1571 NEXT FUNDS Nikkei 225 Inverse Index Exchange Traded Fund

The temporary suspension has been determined, considering the current situations of fund management including the liquidity of the underlying Nikkei 225 futures and the total assets under management of three ETFs, etc.

The manager will continue to receive and accept redemption orders from Authorized Participants for the ETFs listed above.

Regarding the timing to resume the subscription for creation, NAM will publish a timely disclosure to market participants once such decision has been made.

Please kindly note that these ETFs will remain continuously listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and each investor can trade them same as before.