Notice regarding amendment to the appendix table for the basic terms and conditions of the trust deed for NEXT FUNDS Russell/Nomura Small Cap Core Index Exchange Traded Fund (Code:1312) due to the change in creation and redemption units

Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd. hereby announces that we have decided to amend the relevant part of the appendix table for the basic terms and conditions of the trust deed of the following ETF in accordance with the change in creation and redemption units.

NEXT FUNDS Russell/Nomura Small Cap Core Index Exchange Traded Fund (Code:1312)

Change details and reason for the change
Creation and redemption units will be changed in the appendix table of the terms and conditions as shown in the table below starting on the effective date of the amendment. These changes are being made to improve convenience for beneficiaries and in consideration of the status of investment management.

Before amendmentAfter amendment
100,000 units or more, increments of 100,000 units30,000 units or more, increments of 30,000 units

Schedule for the amendment
March 29, 2022: Notification deadline for the amendment above
March 30, 2022: Effective date for the amendment above

Written resolution and procedures for amendments of terms and conditions
Since this amendment does not constitute a significant change to the terms of the agreement, there will be no written voting.