2518 NEXT FUNDS MSCI Japan Empowering Women Select Index Exchange Traded Fund NF Japan Empowering Women ETF
- 取引所価格(終値)*
1,590 JPY前日比0 (0.00%)
基準価額(per 100 shares)
158,929 JPY前日比+46 (+0.02%)
- 純資産総額
- 9.94 billion JPY
- 受益権口数
- 最低取引金額
- 1,590 JPY
- 売買単位
- 1 share
- 分配金利回り**
- 2.08%
- 直近分配金
- 1,700 JPY
- 取引所価格(終値)右端に「*」が表示される場合は、直近最終の取引所価格(終値)
- 分配金利回りは、基準日(2025/02/10)を基準とした過去1年間に支払われた分配金(税引前)の合計を基準日の基準価額(信託報酬控除後)で除したものを使用しています。分配金利回りは過去のデータであり、将来の分配金額を示唆あるいは保証するものではありません。
銘柄コード | 2518 | ||||||||
銘柄正式名 | NEXT FUNDS MSCI Japan Empowering Women Select Index Exchange Traded Fund | ||||||||
愛称・略称 | NF Japan Empowering Women ETF | ||||||||
対象指標 | MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Select Index (Total Return) | ||||||||
対象指標の概要* | MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Select Index is a stock price index developed by MSCI and comprises Japanese companies which exhibit a commitment towards promoting and maintaining a high level of gender diversity. When selecting the companies, the factors which may lead to the companies’ growth such as companies’ stances concerning the capital investment are also considered. | ||||||||
Feature | ・The fund has received an MSCI ESG Rating of AAA.
・It has been ranked higher than similar Japanese and non-Japanese stock funds.
(Produced by MSCI ESG Research as of 7th August 2022) *The MSCI ESG Rating for funds is designed to measure the resiliency of portfolios to long-term ESG risks and opportunities. The most highly rated funds consist of issuers with leading or improving management of key ESG risks. The ESG Rating is calculated as a direct mapping of ESG Quality Scores to letter rating categories (e.g. AAA = 8.6-10). The ESG Ratings range from leader (AAA, AA), average (A, BBB, BB) to laggard (B, CCC). **The rank of the fund for ESG Fund Rating within the Equity Japan peer group ***The rank of the fund for ESG Fund Rating within the global universe of approximately 34,000 funds in coverage ****The “Fund ESG Quality Score” assesses the resilience of a fund’s aggregate holdings to long term ESG risks. Highly rated funds consist of issuers with leading or improving management of key ESG risks, based on a granular breakdown of a company’s business: its core product or business segments, the locations of its assets or revenues, and other relevant measures such as outsourced production. The “Fund ESG Quality Score” is provided on a 0-10 score, with 0 and 10 being the respective lowest and highest possible fund scores. (Notice) MSCI ESG Research LLC’s (“MSCI ESG”) Fund Metrics and Ratings (the “Information”) provide environmental, social and governance data with respect to underlying securities within more than 31,000 multi-asset class Mutual Funds and ETFs globally. MSCI ESG is a Registered Investment Adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. MSCI ESG materials have not been submitted to, nor received approval from, the US SEC or any other regulatory body. None of the Information constitutes an offer to buy or sell, or a promotion or recommendation of, any security, financial instrument or product or trading strategy, nor should it be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance, analysis, forecast or prediction. None of the Information can be used to determine which securities to buy or sell or when to buy or sell them. The Information is provided “as is” and the user of the Information assumes the entire risk of any use it may make or permit to be made of the Information. |
ESG関連 | All the stocks comprising the Benchmark Index are selected based on its methodology with particular emphasis on their ESG characteristics.(As of January 15, 2025) |
売買単位 | 1 share | ||||||||
信託報酬率(年率・税込) | 0.165% | ||||||||
分配金支払い基準日 | 毎年4月20日、10月20日(年2回) | ||||||||
上場日 | 2018年05月15日 | ||||||||
上場市場 | 東京証券取引所 | ||||||||
税法上の分類 | 特定株式投資信託 |
- 詳しくは、投資信託説明書(交付目論見書)をご覧ください。

-- 現在
- ■取引所価格 ■出来高 ■ ■


取引値- | - |
始値- | - |
高値- | - |
安値- | - |
取引所価格(終値)02/10 | 1,590 JPY | 0.00% (前日比) |
基準価額(100口)02/10 | 158,929 JPY | +0.02% (前日比) |
基準価額(分配金再投資) (100口)02/10 |
182,887 JPY | +0.02% (前日比) |
対象指標02/10 | 4,821.92 | +0.03% (前日比) |
- 取引所価格(終値)右端に「*」が表示される場合は、直近最終の取引所価格(終値)
- Dates are in the format MM/DD
November 26, 2024Disclosures | Notice of Changes to the Basic Terms and Conditions of the Trust Deed of ETFs(213KB) |
There is no news.
There is no news.
- 設定、もしくは交換の「-」は、該当日の申込が不可であることを表しています。
- Dates are in the format MM/DD
02/12 申込分
申込日 | 02/12 | |
受付日 | 02/12 | |
暫定口数 | 90 thousand | 500 thousand |
銘柄数 | 177 | 304 |
総株式数 | 72,100 | 410,500 |
CSV | ||
交換申込単位 | 9万口以上9万口単位 |
02/13 申込分
申込日 | 02/13 | |
受付日 | 02/13 | |
暫定口数 | 90 thousand | 500 thousand |
銘柄数 | 177 | 304 |
総株式数 | 72,100 | 410,500 |
CSV | ||
交換申込単位 | 9万口以上9万口単位 |
02/14 申込分
申込日 | 02/14 | |
受付日 | 02/14 | |
暫定口数 | 90 thousand | 500 thousand |
銘柄数 | 177 | 304 |
総株式数 | 72,100 | 410,500 |
CSV | ||
交換申込単位 | 9万口以上9万口単位 |
- 設定、もしくは交換の「-」は、該当日の申込が不可であることを表しています。
- Dates are in the format MM/DD
- 詳しくは、投資信託説明書(交付目論見書)をご覧ください。
Bloomberg | 2518 JP |
QUICK | 2518 |
ISIN | JP3048720001 |
対象指標 Bloomberg |
GJ719024 |